Vladimir Putin is a Russian politician who has been serving as the President or Prime Minister of Russia for over two decades. Putin was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) on October 7, 1952. He graduated from Leningrad State University in 1975 with a law degree and joined the Soviet Union's security agency, the KGB.

In 1991, Putin entered politics and served as the mayor of Saint Petersburg. He later joined the administration of President Boris Yeltsin, and in 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin as the Prime Minister of Russia. When Yeltsin resigned in December of the same year, Putin became the acting President of Russia. He was elected President in 2000, and then re-elected in 2004, 2012, and 2018.

During his time in office, Putin has overseen major changes in the country's political and economic landscape, including the consolidation of power in the presidency, the reassertion of Russian influence in the world, and the rise of state-controlled businesses. Putin has been a controversial figure both domestically and internationally, with some critics accusing him of suppressing political opposition and curtailing civil liberties, while others praise him for his efforts to restore Russian pride and promote stability.


Putin is a black belt in judo. He began practicing the martial art as a teenager and has been a serious practitioner ever since. He even co-authored a book on judo in 2004.

Putin has a love for animals, particularly dogs. He has been known to be an advocate for animal rights and owns several dogs, including a black Labrador Retriever named Koni who has been seen accompanying him in public appearances.

Putin's mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, worked in a factory during World War II and survived the Siege of Leningrad. Putin has spoken about his admiration for her strength and perseverance during that difficult time.

Putin has a passion for music and has been known to play the piano. He has performed at various events, including a charity concert in 2010 where he played a rendition of "Blueberry Hill" on the piano.

Putin's political career began as a KGB officer. He joined the KGB in 1975 and served as a foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, stationed in East Germany and later in Saint Petersburg.

Putin is known for his love of the outdoors and has been seen engaging in various outdoor activities, including fishing, horseback riding, and skiing. He has even been spotted shirtless while fishing and horseback riding.

Putin has a reputation for being a tough negotiator, and he is known for his ability to speak multiple languages fluently, including English and German.

Putin has been the subject of numerous memes and internet jokes, particularly in the Western world. These include images of him riding a horse shirtless, photoshopped images of him as a superhero, and jokes about his relationship with US President Donald Trump.


The relationship between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin is generally considered to be strong and cordial. The two leaders have met several times over the years and have been known to share a good rapport.

India and Russia have a longstanding history of strategic and economic cooperation, and Putin and Modi have continued to strengthen these ties. In recent years, they have collaborated on a number of important projects, including the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kudankulam, India, and joint production of military hardware such as fighter jets and submarines.

In addition to their cooperation on bilateral issues, Modi and Putin have also worked together on various international platforms, such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) group of nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Overall, the relationship between Modi and Putin is seen as one of mutual respect and cooperation, with both leaders expressing a desire to deepen the strategic partnership between their two countries.


Vladimir Putin has been a controversial figure on the world stage, and there have been various allegations and criticisms against him, including:

Human Rights Abuses: Putin has been accused of human rights abuses, including the suppression of political opposition, media censorship, and suppression of free speech. His government has also been criticized for its treatment of minorities, particularly the LGBT community.

Annexation of Crimea: In 2014, Putin ordered the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, which was widely condemned by the international community. This move led to economic sanctions being imposed on Russia by Western countries.

Involvement in conflicts: Russia under Putin has been involved in conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, where it has been accused of supporting separatist movements.

Political Assassinations: There have been allegations of political assassinations carried out by the Russian government, including the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal in the UK and the killing of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov.

Corruption: Putin's regime has been accused of widespread corruption, with allegations of government officials engaging in bribery and embezzlement.

It's important to note that some of these allegations have been denied by Putin and his government, and the issue of his "dark side" is a matter of ongoing debate and controversy. However, these accusations have led to tensions between Russia and the international community and have contributed to Putin's reputation as a controversial figure.

In conclusion, Vladimir Putin is a complex and controversial figure, with both admirers and detractors. He has been a prominent figure on the world stage for over two decades and has played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Russia and the international community.

While his leadership has been praised for its strong stance on certain issues and his efforts to bolster Russia's economy, he has also been criticized for human rights abuses, involvement in conflicts, and allegations of corruption.

As with any political leader, opinions on Putin are divided, and it's up to each individual to draw their own conclusions based on the available evidence. Regardless of one's personal views on him, it's clear that Putin will continue to be an influential figure in global politics for the foreseeable future.

                                                     ARTICLE BY DHANANJAY GONDANE

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