Italian Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an expert in many different academic subjects. He is recognised for his contributions to science, engineering, and philosophy and is regarded as one of history's greatest artists.

The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are two of Da Vinci's most famous paintings, and they continue to enthral viewers with their deft use of colour, composition, and light and shadow. Yet he was also a scientist, engineer, and inventor who made significant contributions to the fields of physics, optics, botany, and anatomy. Several of the elaborate notebooks he kept—many of which still exist today—contained his thoughts, sketches, and observations.

His most well-known creations were the flying machine, helicopter, parachute, and submarine. Even though he did not fully materialise many of his ideas during his lifetime, they still served as an inspiration to subsequent scientists and inventors.

Overall, Leonardo da Vinci's reputation as a Renaissance genius inspires and fascinates people all over the world, and his contributions to philosophy, science, and art continue to have a significant influence on the world to this day.


Leonardo da Vinci was brought into the world on April 15, 1452, in the town of Vinci, in the Tuscan area of Italy. He was the ill-conceived child of Ser Piero, a legal official, and Caterina, a worker lady. As a youngster, Leonardo showed a noteworthy ability for drawing, and he was apprenticed to the craftsman Andrea del Verrocchio at 14 years old.

In Verrocchio's studio, Leonardo scholarly the strategies of painting, figure, and metalworking, and he immediately outperformed his lord in expertise. He laid out his own studio in Florence in 1478 and started dealing with commissions for supporters in the city.

During his initial profession, Leonardo made a portion of his most renowned works, including "The Reverence of the Magi" and "The Annunciation." He likewise started to investigate his premium in science and designing, planning machines and directing examinations in fields like life systems, optics, and flight.

In 1482, Leonardo moved to Milan at the greeting of Ludovico Sforza, the city's ruler. There, he filled in as a specialist and draftsman, planning strongholds, trenches, and different ventures for the Sforza family. He likewise kept on painting, making works of art, for example, "The Last Dinner" and "The Virgin of the Stones."

In 1499, Milan was attacked by French powers, and Leonardo left the city. He went all through Italy for the following quite a while, dealing with commissions for different supporters and proceeding with his logical and imaginative trials.

In 1513, Leonardo got back to Florence, where he dealt with a few ventures, including a work of art of the Skirmish of Anghiari, which was rarely finished. He likewise kept on chipping away at his logical examinations and kept itemized scratch pad in which he recorded his perceptions and thoughts.


Leonardo da Vinci is quite possibly of the most popular painter ever, known for his dominance of method and advancement in style. The following are ten of his most eminent works:

Mona Lisa - This representation is one of the most popular canvases on the planet, known for the confounding grin of its subject.

The Last Dinner - This painting portrays Jesus and his pupils at the Last Dinner, and is known for its utilization of viewpoint and piece.

Vitruvian Man - This notorious drawing is an investigation of the human structure, and is known for its utilization of numerical extents.

Woman with an Ermine - This picture includes a young lady holding an ermine, and is known for its delicate depiction of the subject.

St. John the Baptist - This painting portrays John the Baptist in the wild, and is known for its utilization of chiaroscuro.

The Absolution of Christ - This cooperative work with Verrocchio portrays the submersion of Jesus by John the Baptist, and is known for its complex detail.

Annunciation - This painting portrays the second when the heavenly messenger Gabriel declares to Mary that she will bring forth Jesus, and is known for its utilization of variety and point of view.

The Love of the Magi - This painting portrays the scriptural story of the Magi who visited Jesus after his introduction to the world, and is known for its utilization of imagery.

The Virgin and Kid with St. Anne - This painting portrays the Virgin Mary with her mom, St. Anne, and her child, Jesus, and is known for its utilization of creation and variety.

The Virgin of the Stones - This painting portrays the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus and John the Baptist in a rough scene, and is known for its utilization of light and shadow.

Here are a few less popular facts about Leonardo da Vinci :

Leonardo da Vinci was left-given, and he wrote in "reflect composing," and that implies he composed in reverse so it must be perused in a mirror.

He was an ill-conceived youngster, conceived illegitimately to a legal official and a laborer lady.

Da Vinci was a veggie lover and a basic entitlements lobbyist. He is known to have bought confined birds in the market just to liberate them.

Notwithstanding being a splendid craftsman, Leonardo battled with finishing projects and large numbers of his works were left incomplete.

Da Vinci was intrigued with the human body, and he performed analyzations on human corpses to concentrate on life systems. This was unlawful at that point, and he needed to do it stealthily.

He was likewise keen on designing and mechanics, and large numbers of his creations were intended to take care of commonsense issues. For instance, he made an odometer to quantify the distance went by a pony drawn carriage.

Leonardo da Vinci was a devoted wisecracker and would here and there pull tricks on his companions and associates.

Despite the fact that he is frequently connected with Italy, he consumed quite a bit of his time on earth in France, where he filled in as a court craftsman for Lord Francis I.

Da Vinci was known for his adoration for nature and the climate, and he was a defender of feasible living.

He is accepted to have experienced dyslexia and ADHD, which might have added to his trouble with finishing undertakings and his propensity for bouncing starting with one subject then onto the next in his journals.


                                                     ARTICLE BY DHANANJAY GONDANE

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