Know About The Missile Man of India: APJ Abdul Kalam !!! Full Biography !!!


APJ Abdul Kalam was a prestigious Indian researcher and legislator who filled in as the eleventh Leader of India from 2002 to 2007. He was brought into the world on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, and experienced childhood in an unassuming family. Regardless of confronting a few snags, he rose to become quite possibly of the most regarded and motivating figure in India.

Early Life and Schooling:

Abdul Kalam was the most youthful of five kin, and his dad was a boat proprietor who moved travelers from Rameswaram to Dhanushkodi. He spent his life as a youngster in destitution however was a splendid understudy. He finished his tutoring from Ramanathapuram Schwartz Registration School, and afterward proceeded to concentrate on material science at St. Joseph's School, Tiruchirappalli.

In 1954, he graduated with a degree in physical science from the College of Madras, and afterward proceeded to concentrate on advanced plane design at the Madras Organization of Innovation (MIT). He finished his certification in 1957 and began his vocation as a researcher at the Protection Innovative work Association (DRDO).

Vocation in Science:

Dr. Kalam assumed a key part in India's regular citizen space program and military rocket improvement. He was answerable for the advancement of India's most memorable satellite send off vehicle (SLV-III) that effectively sent the Rohini satellite in circle in July 1980.

In 1982, he joined the DRDO's Rocket Advancement Program and fostered the Coordinated Directed Rocket Improvement Program (IGMDP), which brought about the improvement of rockets like Agni, Prithvi, Trishul, Akash, and Bother.

He likewise assumed a basic part in India's atomic tests led in 1998. In acknowledgment of his commitments to India's guard program, Dr. Kalam was granted the Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan, two of India's most noteworthy regular citizen praises.


In 2002, Dr. Kalam was chosen as the eleventh Leader of India, turning into the principal researcher and lone ranger to hold the workplace. He was broadly cherished and regarded by individuals of India, particularly the young, for his rousing discourses and his vision for a created India.

During his administration, he voyaged widely, meeting with individuals from varying backgrounds, and advancing schooling, science, and innovation. He additionally started a few ventures, like PURA (Giving Metropolitan Conveniences in Provincial Regions), which expected to connect the country metropolitan separation by giving essential conveniences in rustic regions.

Individual Life:

Dr. Kalam was a profoundly otherworldly individual and was known for his modesty and effortlessness. He was a vegan, nondrinker, and a productive essayist. He composed a few books, including Wings of Fire, India 2020, Lighted Personalities, and My Excursion: Changing Dreams into Activities, which enlivened great many individuals.

Dr. Kalam passed on July 27, 2015, while conveying a talk at the Indian Organization of The board Shillong. He was grieved by the whole country and gotten a state memorial service.


Dr. Kalam's life and work keep on moving individuals from one side of the planet to the other. He is recognized as "Individuals' Leader" for his vision, administration, and obligation to the advancement of India. His commitments to India's protection program and non military personnel space program have made him perhaps of the most regarded researcher on the planet.

Dr. Kalam's vision for a created India by 2020 keeps on rousing youngsters to seek after their fantasies and have a beneficial outcome on society. His compositions and talks are still broadly perused and respected, and his life fills in as a brilliant illustration of what one can accomplish with difficult work, commitment, and determination.

The Missile Man of India: APJ Abdul Kalam !!!

APJ Abdul Kalam is known as the "Missile Man of India" as a result of his commitment to the improvement of rocket innovation in India. He assumed a vital part in the improvement of India's rocket program, including the improvement of long range rocket innovation that empowered India to become confident in guard. Dr. Kalam drove the Coordinated Directed Rocket Improvement Program (IGMDP) during the 1980s, which brought about the effective advancement of rockets like Agni, Prithvi, Trishul, Akash, and Bother.
Under his authority, India effectively test-terminated the Prithvi rocket in 1988 and the Agni rocket in 1989. These accomplishments made India a central part in rocket innovation and supported its protection capacities. Dr. Kalam's aptitude in rocket innovation and his commitment to India's safeguard program acquired him the title of "Rocket Man of India."
Dr. Kalam's commitments to India's rocket program and safeguard industry have been broadly perceived and respected. He got a few honors and respects, including the lofty Bharat Ratna, India's most noteworthy regular citizen grant, in 1997 for his commitments to India's guard program.

APJ Abdul Kalam was a designer who made critical commitments to India's protection program and non military personnel space program. A portion of his outstanding developments and advancements include:

Rocket Innovation: Dr. Kalam assumed a significant part in fostering India's rocket innovation. He drove the Coordinated Directed Rocket Advancement Program (IGMDP), which brought about the improvement of rockets like Agni, Prithvi, Trishul, Akash, and Bother.

Satellite Send off Vehicle: Dr. Kalam was answerable for the improvement of India's most memorable satellite send off vehicle (SLV-III), which effectively conveyed the Rohini satellite in circle in July 1980.

Kalam-Raju Stent: Dr. Kalam worked together with cardiologist Dr. B. V. Raju to foster the Kalam-Raju stent, which is utilized to treat hindered veins in the heart.

Minimal expense Coronary Stent: Dr. Kalam likewise dealt with fostering a minimal expense coronary stent, which could make the treatment of coronary illness more open to individuals in non-industrial nations.

Water Purging Innovation: Dr. Kalam fostered a water purging innovation that utilizes particle trade tars to eliminate unsafe substances from water.

Prosthetic Appendages: Dr. Kalam additionally chipped away at creating prosthetic appendages for individuals with inabilities, which are reasonable and successful.

Dr. Kalam's creations and developments fundamentally affect India's protection program, space program, and medical services industry. His work has likewise roused numerous youthful researchers and trailblazers to seek after their fantasies and have a constructive outcome on society.

                                                      ARTICLE BY DHANANJAY GONDANE.

There have been numerous less popular researchers who have made critical commitments to different areas of science !!! Know about them !!!

 There have been numerous less popular researchers who have made critical commitments to different areas of science. While it is challenging to absolutely rank their significance, the following are ten researchers who have made significant commitments to their particular fields:

1. Rosalind Franklin - decided the design of DNA and found the construction of infections.

Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) was an English physicist and X-beam crystallographer who made huge commitments to the revelation of the construction of DNA. In the mid 1950s, she led X-beam diffraction investigations of DNA at Ruler's School London, which gave key data about its design.

Utilizing X-beam crystallography, Franklin got great pictures of the DNA particle, including the well known Photograph 51, which showed a reasonable X-formed design that demonstrated a helical construction. Her work was vital in giving proof that the DNA particle had a twofold helix structure with the phosphate spine outwardly and the nitrogenous bases within.

Regardless of her basic commitments, Franklin's work was underestimated at that point, and she was not given appropriate credit for her job in the disclosure of the design of DNA. In 1962, James Watson, Francis Kink, and Maurice Wilkins were granted the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medication for the revelation of the construction of DNA, while Franklin had passed on from ovarian disease in 1958 at 37 years old.

As of late, there has been a restored enthusiasm for Franklin's work and her significant commitments to the field of sub-atomic science. Her inheritance has propelled ages of researchers, and she is viewed as a good example for ladies in science.

2. Richard Feynman - made significant commitments to the improvement of quantum mechanics and the hypothesis of quantum electrodynamics.

Richard Feynman (1918-1988) was an American physicist known for his notable work in quantum mechanics, molecule material science, and the hypothesis of quantum electrodynamics. He accepted his Ph.D. from Princeton College in 1942 and proceeded to work at Los Alamos Public Lab, where he added to the advancement of the main nuclear bomb.

Feynman is likewise known for his commitments to the improvement of the Feynman outlines, a visual device for addressing the way of behaving of subatomic particles. His work in this space assisted with giving a hypothetical system to the investigation of rudimentary particles and their cooperations.

Notwithstanding his logical work, Feynman was known for his connecting with talks and his capacity to make sense of complicated logical ideas in a manner that was open to non-researchers. He was likewise a cultivated bongo player and appreciated fiddling with gadgets and different gadgets.

Feynman was granted the Nobel Prize in Physical science in 1965, alongside Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, for their work in fostering the hypothesis of quantum electrodynamics. He was likewise an individual from the Rogers Commission, which researched the Space Transport Challenger calamity in 1986.

Feynman's commitments to science and his drawing in way of educating have made him a cherished figure in mainstream researchers and then some. He has been the subject of various memoirs and is recognized as one of the most powerful physicists of the twentieth hundred years.

3. Chien-Shiung Wu - added to the improvement of the primary atomic reactor and led pivotal examination on beta rot.

Chien-Shiung Wu (1912-1997) was a Chinese-American physicist who made huge commitments to the field of atomic physical science. She was brought into the world in China and accepted her college degree from Public Focal College in Nanking, prior to moving to the US in 1936 to seek after graduate examinations.

During The Second Great War, Wu chipped away at the Manhattan Undertaking, where she added to the advancement of the cycle for isolating uranium metal for use in the nuclear bomb. After the conflict, she proceeded with her examination in atomic material science, zeroing in on beta rot and the preservation of equality.

In 1957, Wu led a trial that upset the longstanding conviction that the laws of physical science were even concerning mirror reflections (equality). Her analysis, which included concentrating on the rot of cobalt-60 molecules, showed that the frail atomic power abused equality. This disclosure had critical ramifications for the field of molecule physical science and prompted Wu's acknowledgment as one of the main trial physicists of the twentieth hundred years.

Regardless of her huge commitments to the field of physical science, Wu confronted segregation and sexism all through her vocation. She was frequently prohibited from significant logical gatherings and was not granted the Nobel Prize in Physical science, which was given to her male partners who dealt with the hypothesis of equality infringement. By the by, Wu stayed focused on her exploration and was a good example for ladies in science.

In acknowledgment of her commitments to physical science, Wu got various honors and respects, remembering the Public Award of Science for 1975 and the Wolf Prize in Physical science in 1978. She is recognized as one of the most persuasive physicists of the twentieth hundred years and a pioneer for ladies in science.

4. Barbara McClintock - found the peculiarity of rendering, where hereditary material can move inside and between chromosomes.

Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) was an American geneticist and cytogeneticist who made spearheading commitments to the field of hereditary qualities. She was brought into the world in Connecticut and accepted her undergrad and advanced educations from Cornell College, where she later turned into an employee and burned through the vast majority of her vocation.

McClintock's most huge commitments came from her work on the hereditary design of maize (corn) plants. Through a progression of trials during the 1940s and 1950s, she found "bouncing qualities," or transposable components, which are bits of DNA that can move inside the genome and change the hereditary cosmetics of an organic entity. This revelation was at first met with doubt and was not completely appreciated until a very long while later.

McClintock was granted the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medication in 1983 for her revelation of transposable components, turning into the primary lady to get the award without imparting it to male associates. Her work tested the overall view that qualities were fixed and unchanging, and it made ready for new comprehension of the job of hereditary fluctuation in advancement and improvement.

Regardless of her huge commitments to science, McClintock confronted snags and segregation all through her profession. She was frequently prohibited from logical gatherings and was not given a full residency until she was in her 70s. By the by, she stayed focused on her exploration and is recognized as one of the main geneticists of the twentieth 100 years.

5. Percy Julian - orchestrated significant clinical mixtures, including cortisone and conception prevention pills.

Percy Julian (1899-1975) was an African American physicist who made critical commitments to the field of natural science. He was brought into the world in Alabama and experienced childhood in an isolated society, however he had the option to seek after a training in science and in the long run procured a Ph.D. from the College of Vienna in Austria.

Julian is most popular for his work in fostering a technique to orchestrate physostigmine, a medication used to treat glaucoma, from promptly accessible plant materials. He likewise fostered an interaction for orchestrating cortisone, a chemical used to treat irritation, from soybeans. These revelations fundamentally affected the field of medication and made these medications all the more generally accessible.

Notwithstanding confronting segregation and bigotry all through his vocation, Julian kept on chasing after his exploration and made numerous other significant disclosures in the field of natural science. He was a productive designer and held in excess of 100 licenses, including those for a fire-retardant froth utilized in firefighting and for an engineered variant of the chemical progesterone.

Julian was a pioneer for African American researchers and was perceived with various honors and praises all through his profession. He was the principal African American scientist to be chosen for the Public Foundation of Sciences and was granted the Public Award of Science in 1973. He is recognized as one of the main physicists of the twentieth hundred years and a good example for researchers, everything being equal.

6. Gerty Cori - made critical revelations connected with starch digestion and the creation of glycogen.

Gerty Cori (1896-1957) was a Czech-American natural chemist who made spearheading commitments to the field of carb digestion. She was brought into the world in Prague and accepted her physician certification from the German College in Prague prior to emigrating to the US with her better half, individual natural chemist Carl Cori, during the 1920s.

Along with her better half, Gerty Cori made various significant revelations about the manner in which the body processes sugars. They showed that glycogen, a particle that stores glucose in the liver and muscle, is separated by the compound phosphorylase. They likewise found the job of the Cori cycle, a metabolic pathway that permits glucose to be reused between the liver and muscles.

Gerty Cori was granted the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medication in 1947, turning into the main lady to get the award in this class, alongside her better half Carl and partner Bernardo Houssay. Her work prepared for new comprehension of how the body uses and stores energy, and it had critical ramifications for the treatment of metabolic issues.

Notwithstanding confronting separation and sexism all through her profession, Gerty Cori stayed devoted to her exploration and was a pioneer for ladies in science. She and her better half were both dedicated to cultivating the up and coming age of researchers and established a steady and cooperative examination climate in their lab at Washington College in St. Louis.

7. Harold Urey - found the isotope deuterium and made significant commitments to the field of cosmochemistry.

Harold Urey (1893-1981) was an American actual scientist who made huge commitments to the field of isotope science. He was brought into the world in Indiana and accepted his Ph.D. from the College of California, Berkeley in 1923.

Urey's most well known commitment to science was his revelation of deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen that has a neutron notwithstanding a proton in its core. This revelation was made in 1931, and it prompted new comprehension of the construction of nuclear cores and the way of behaving of isotopes in substance responses. Urey's work on deuterium additionally had huge ramifications for the investigation of the beginning of the planetary group and the advancement of the universe.

Notwithstanding his work on deuterium, Urey made numerous different commitments to the field of isotope science, including the advancement of strategies for estimating isotopic proportions and the disclosure of other weighty isotopes. He likewise assumed a key part in the Manhattan Task during The Second Great War, where he assisted with fostering the main nuclear bomb.

Urey was granted the Nobel Prize in Science in 1934 for his revelation of deuterium, and he got various different honors and respects all through his profession. He was a productive scientist and educator, and he tutored numerous understudies who proceeded to become forerunners in the field of science.

8. Lise Meitner - added to the disclosure of atomic parting and the advancement of thermal power.

Lise Meitner (1878-1968) was an Austrian-Swedish physicist who made spearheading commitments to the field of atomic physical science. She was brought into the world in Vienna and concentrated on physical science at the College of Vienna, where she was one of a handful of the ladies in her field. She later moved to Berlin, where she teamed up with Otto Hahn on investigation into radioactivity and atomic splitting.

Meitner's most critical commitment to science was her work on the disclosure of atomic parting. She and Hahn found that nuclear cores could be parted into more modest parts, delivering energy simultaneously. Meitner gave the hypothetical system to this revelation, and her computations assisted with making sense of the way of behaving of nuclear cores during splitting.

Notwithstanding her critical commitments to the field of atomic physical science, Meitner confronted segregation and sexism all through her profession. She was prohibited from numerous scholar and expert open doors due to her orientation and her Jewish foundation, and she had to escape Germany in 1938 because of the abuse of Jews by the Nazi system.

Meitner was broadly perceived for her commitments to science, and she got various honors and praises all through her vocation. She was the principal lady to turn into a full teacher of physical science in Germany, and she was granted the Enrico Fermi Grant by the US Nuclear Energy Commission in 1966. She is recognized as a pioneer for ladies in science and a significant figure throughout the entire existence of atomic physical science.

9. Robert Boyle - made significant commitments to the advancement of present day science and planned Boyle's Regulation, which portrays the way of behaving of gases.

Robert Boyle (1627-1691) was an Irish regular savant and scientist, most popular for his commitments to the advancement of current science and his work on the way of behaving of gases. He was brought into the world in Region Waterford, Ireland, and consumed quite a bit of his time on earth in Britain.

Boyle's most popular commitment to science was his law of gases, which expresses that the strain and volume of a gas are conversely corresponding when temperature is held steady. This regulation is known as Boyle's Regulation and is as yet shown in secondary school and school science courses today. Boyle additionally made critical commitments to the improvement of present day science, leading trials that investigated the properties of acids and bases, as well as the idea of substance responses.

Boyle was an unmistakable individual from the Imperial Society, and he added to a considerable lot of its distributions and exploration projects. He was likewise a passionate Christian and accepted that science was a method for grasping the operations of the normal world as proof of God's creation. Boyle's strict convictions impacted his logical work, driving him to lead investigations and mention observable facts that he accepted would uncover the hidden request and concordance of the regular world.

Boyle is recognized as one of the trailblazers of current science and a vital figure in the logical unrest of the seventeenth 100 years. His inheritance keeps on impacting logical examination and training today.

10. Gregor Mendel - found the standards of hereditary qualities and fostered the laws of legacy through his investigation of pea plants.

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) was an Austrian priest and botanist who is broadly viewed as the pioneer behind the advanced study of hereditary qualities. He directed a progression of momentous trials during the nineteenth 100 years with pea plants in the nursery of his religious community that established the groundwork for the investigation of heredity.
Mendel's trials with pea plants exhibited that legacy follows unsurprising examples and that specific characteristics are passed down from guardians to posterity with a particular goal in mind. He found the idea of predominant and passive attributes, and he demonstrated the way that qualities could be numerically anticipated and made sense of utilizing basic proportions.
In spite of the meaning of his work, Mendel's commitments to science were generally disregarded during his lifetime. It was only after the mid twentieth 100 years, a very long while after his passing, that his work was rediscovered and perceived as a significant leap forward in the investigation of hereditary qualities.
Today, Mendel's laws of legacy stay a basic idea in the investigation of hereditary qualities and heredity. His work significantly affects fields like agribusiness, medication, and transformative science, and it keeps on impacting research here today. Mendel is generally viewed as perhaps of the best researcher in history and a trailblazer of the logical technique.

Note that this is certainly not a thorough rundown and there are numerous other less popular researchers who have made significant commitments to different areas of science.

                                           ARTICLE BY DHANANJAY GONDANE.



Apple Inc. is a worldwide innovation organization situated in Cupertino, California, USA. The organization was established on April 1, 1976, by Steve Occupations, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. It is presently one of the biggest and most significant organizations on the planet, with a market capitalization of more than $2 trillion starting around 2021.

Macintosh plans, creates, and sells customer hardware, PC programming, and online administrations. Its lead items incorporate the iPhone, iPad, Macintosh, Mac Watch, and AirPods, as well as a scope of programming and administrations like iOS, macOS, iTunes, iCloud, and the Application Store.

Apple is known for its obligation to plan, with an emphasis on moderate and exquisite plans for its items. The organization has won various honors for its item plan, and its plan group is viewed as truly outstanding on the planet

Apple has gained notoriety for being a profoundly clandestine organization, with severe command over item holes and reports. Its yearly item send off occasions create a great deal of media consideration and expectation among clients.

The organization has additionally been perceived for its obligation to supportability and social obligation. It has laid out aggressive natural objectives and is attempting to decrease its carbon impression and utilize more sustainable power in its tasks. Apple is additionally dedicated to working on working circumstances for the laborers in its store network and has gained critical headway around here throughout the long term.


Apple overwhelms other cell phone organizations in more ways than one, including:

Brand faithfulness: Apple has a dependable client base that will pay a premium for their items. Clients frequently relate to the Apple brand and its imaginative plan, which makes a feeling of restrictiveness.

Client experience: Apple's iOS is known for its usability and instinctive plan. Apple's severe command over its application store guarantees an elevated degree of value and consistency in the client experience.

Incorporation with other Mac items: Mac offers a consistent mix of its items, including the iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh. This permits clients to effortlessly match up their information across gadgets and offers a more far reaching client experience.

Solid showcasing: Apple's advertising efforts are known for their innovativeness and capacity to create publicity around new item dispatches. This produces a great deal of buzz and expectation among clients, which can convert serious areas of strength for into.

Development: Apple has a history of presenting inventive innovations and elements that put them aside from their rivals. For instance, the iPhone was one of the first cell phones to offer a touch screen point of interaction and Face ID, and Apple keeps on pushing the envelope with new highlights like the LiDAR scanner and 5G network.

Generally speaking, Apple's prosperity can be credited to a mix of creative items, solid marking, and compelling showcasing systems.


Steve Occupations was one of the prime supporters of Mac Inc. furthermore, assumed a critical part in the organization's prosperity. Here are a few intriguing realities about his life:

Occupations was brought into the world on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, and was embraced by Paul and Clara Occupations.

He went to Reed School in Portland, Oregon, however exited after one semester to seek after his inclinations in innovation.

Occupations helped to establish Mac in 1976 with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. He assisted with creating a large number of the organization's initial items, including the Apple II and the Mac.

Occupations was known for his compulsiveness and meticulousness. He was profoundly associated with the plan and advancement of Apple's items, and his attention on effortlessness and polish assisted with making them well known with customers.

Occupations was broadly terminated from Apple in 1985, yet he got back to the organization in 1997 and assisted with driving its resurgence. During his second stretch at Mac, he administered the advancement of notorious items like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

Occupations was determined to have an uncommon type of pancreatic malignant growth in 2003 and went through a medical procedure to eliminate the cancer. He took a few clinical extended vacations from Apple prior to leaving as President in August 2011. He died on October 5, 2011, at 56 years old.

Occupations was likewise associated with a few different endeavors beyond Mac, including the establishing of NeXT PC and the obtaining of Pixar Liveliness Studios. Under his administration, Pixar delivered hit movies like Toy Story, Tracking down Nemo, and The Incredibles.

Occupations was known for his appealling character and his capacity to move and propel everyone around him. He was additionally famously hard to work with on occasion, and his administration style has been the subject of much discussion and analysis.


There are a few factors that put Apple aside from different organizations :

Plan: Apple is known for its moderate and rich plan tasteful, which has been a sign of its items since the beginning of the organization. This emphasis on plan has assisted with making items that are utilitarian, yet in addition tastefully satisfying and easy to use.

Coordination: Apple items are intended to work flawlessly with one another, which makes a more far reaching and associated client experience. For instance, clients can undoubtedly adjust information and documents across their iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh gadgets.

Client experience: Apple puts a high worth on the client experience, effortlessly of purpose, instinctive plan, and consumer loyalty. This is reflected in the organization's severe command over its application store, which guarantees an elevated degree of value and consistency in the client experience.

Development: Apple is known for its capacity to enhance and present new innovations and highlights that put it aside from its rivals. For instance, the iPhone was one of the first cell phones to offer a touch screen interface, and the organization keeps on pushing the envelope with highlights like Face ID, increased reality, and 5G network.

Brand unwaveringness: Apple has a dedicated client base that will pay a premium for its items. This is expected to some extent to the organization's solid marking, which makes a feeling of restrictiveness and character among its clients.

Generally speaking, Apple's prosperity can be credited to a mix of these variables, as well as serious areas of strength for its and obligation to greatness in every aspect of its business.


                                                             ARTICLE BY DHANANJAY GONDANE,



 Italian Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an expert in many different academic subjects. He is recognised for his contributions to science, engineering, and philosophy and is regarded as one of history's greatest artists.

The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are two of Da Vinci's most famous paintings, and they continue to enthral viewers with their deft use of colour, composition, and light and shadow. Yet he was also a scientist, engineer, and inventor who made significant contributions to the fields of physics, optics, botany, and anatomy. Several of the elaborate notebooks he kept—many of which still exist today—contained his thoughts, sketches, and observations.

His most well-known creations were the flying machine, helicopter, parachute, and submarine. Even though he did not fully materialise many of his ideas during his lifetime, they still served as an inspiration to subsequent scientists and inventors.

Overall, Leonardo da Vinci's reputation as a Renaissance genius inspires and fascinates people all over the world, and his contributions to philosophy, science, and art continue to have a significant influence on the world to this day.


Leonardo da Vinci was brought into the world on April 15, 1452, in the town of Vinci, in the Tuscan area of Italy. He was the ill-conceived child of Ser Piero, a legal official, and Caterina, a worker lady. As a youngster, Leonardo showed a noteworthy ability for drawing, and he was apprenticed to the craftsman Andrea del Verrocchio at 14 years old.

In Verrocchio's studio, Leonardo scholarly the strategies of painting, figure, and metalworking, and he immediately outperformed his lord in expertise. He laid out his own studio in Florence in 1478 and started dealing with commissions for supporters in the city.

During his initial profession, Leonardo made a portion of his most renowned works, including "The Reverence of the Magi" and "The Annunciation." He likewise started to investigate his premium in science and designing, planning machines and directing examinations in fields like life systems, optics, and flight.

In 1482, Leonardo moved to Milan at the greeting of Ludovico Sforza, the city's ruler. There, he filled in as a specialist and draftsman, planning strongholds, trenches, and different ventures for the Sforza family. He likewise kept on painting, making works of art, for example, "The Last Dinner" and "The Virgin of the Stones."

In 1499, Milan was attacked by French powers, and Leonardo left the city. He went all through Italy for the following quite a while, dealing with commissions for different supporters and proceeding with his logical and imaginative trials.

In 1513, Leonardo got back to Florence, where he dealt with a few ventures, including a work of art of the Skirmish of Anghiari, which was rarely finished. He likewise kept on chipping away at his logical examinations and kept itemized scratch pad in which he recorded his perceptions and thoughts.


Leonardo da Vinci is quite possibly of the most popular painter ever, known for his dominance of method and advancement in style. The following are ten of his most eminent works:

Mona Lisa - This representation is one of the most popular canvases on the planet, known for the confounding grin of its subject.

The Last Dinner - This painting portrays Jesus and his pupils at the Last Dinner, and is known for its utilization of viewpoint and piece.

Vitruvian Man - This notorious drawing is an investigation of the human structure, and is known for its utilization of numerical extents.

Woman with an Ermine - This picture includes a young lady holding an ermine, and is known for its delicate depiction of the subject.

St. John the Baptist - This painting portrays John the Baptist in the wild, and is known for its utilization of chiaroscuro.

The Absolution of Christ - This cooperative work with Verrocchio portrays the submersion of Jesus by John the Baptist, and is known for its complex detail.

Annunciation - This painting portrays the second when the heavenly messenger Gabriel declares to Mary that she will bring forth Jesus, and is known for its utilization of variety and point of view.

The Love of the Magi - This painting portrays the scriptural story of the Magi who visited Jesus after his introduction to the world, and is known for its utilization of imagery.

The Virgin and Kid with St. Anne - This painting portrays the Virgin Mary with her mom, St. Anne, and her child, Jesus, and is known for its utilization of creation and variety.

The Virgin of the Stones - This painting portrays the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus and John the Baptist in a rough scene, and is known for its utilization of light and shadow.

Here are a few less popular facts about Leonardo da Vinci :

Leonardo da Vinci was left-given, and he wrote in "reflect composing," and that implies he composed in reverse so it must be perused in a mirror.

He was an ill-conceived youngster, conceived illegitimately to a legal official and a laborer lady.

Da Vinci was a veggie lover and a basic entitlements lobbyist. He is known to have bought confined birds in the market just to liberate them.

Notwithstanding being a splendid craftsman, Leonardo battled with finishing projects and large numbers of his works were left incomplete.

Da Vinci was intrigued with the human body, and he performed analyzations on human corpses to concentrate on life systems. This was unlawful at that point, and he needed to do it stealthily.

He was likewise keen on designing and mechanics, and large numbers of his creations were intended to take care of commonsense issues. For instance, he made an odometer to quantify the distance went by a pony drawn carriage.

Leonardo da Vinci was a devoted wisecracker and would here and there pull tricks on his companions and associates.

Despite the fact that he is frequently connected with Italy, he consumed quite a bit of his time on earth in France, where he filled in as a court craftsman for Lord Francis I.

Da Vinci was known for his adoration for nature and the climate, and he was a defender of feasible living.

He is accepted to have experienced dyslexia and ADHD, which might have added to his trouble with finishing undertakings and his propensity for bouncing starting with one subject then onto the next in his journals.


                                                     ARTICLE BY DHANANJAY GONDANE


कौन थे सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल ???

 सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल एक प्रमुख भारतीय स्वतंत्रता कार्यकर्ता और राजनीतिज्ञ थे जिन्हें "भारत के लौह पुरुष" के रूप में जाना जाता है। उनका जन्म 31 अक्टूबर, 1875 को भारत के गुजरात राज्य में हुआ था और उन्होंने ब्रिटिश शासन से स्वतंत्रता के लिए भारत के संघर्ष में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी।

इंग्लैंड में अपनी शिक्षा पूरी करने के बाद, पटेल भारत लौट आए और कानून का अभ्यास शुरू किया। वह भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस में शामिल हो गए, और उनके नेतृत्व कौशल और भारतीय स्वतंत्रता के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता ने उन्हें जल्दी ही पार्टी में एक प्रमुख व्यक्ति बना दिया।

स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान, पटेल ने भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन के आयोजन में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई और भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के नेताओं में से एक थे। 1947 में भारत को स्वतंत्रता मिलने के बाद, वह भारत के पहले उप प्रधान मंत्री और गृह मंत्री बने।

भारत में पटेल के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण योगदानों में से एक देश की रियासतों के नवगठित भारतीय गणराज्य में एकीकरण में उनकी भूमिका थी। उन्होंने 500 से अधिक रियासतों के शासकों को भारत में शामिल होने के लिए राजी करने के लिए अपने बातचीत कौशल और राजनीतिक कौशल का इस्तेमाल किया, इस प्रकार एक एकीकृत राष्ट्र का निर्माण किया।

भारत में पटेल की विरासत महत्वपूर्ण है, और उन्हें व्यापक रूप से देश के संस्थापक पिताओं में से एक माना जाता है। भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में उनके योगदान और देश को एकजुट करने में उनकी भूमिका ने उन्हें लाखों भारतीयों का सम्मान और प्रशंसा अर्जित की है।

सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल से जुडी कुछ बातें :

सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल का विवाह झवेरबा पटेल से हुआ था, जिनसे उन्होंने 1891 में शादी की थी। उनके दो बच्चे थे, मणिबेन पटेल नाम की एक बेटी और दह्याभाई पटेल नाम का एक बेटा। झावेरबा का 1909 में निधन हो गया, जबकि पटेल स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान जेल की सजा काट रहे थे।

अपनी पत्नी की मृत्यु के बाद, पटेल ने अपने राजनीतिक जीवन पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया और अपने परिवार की मदद से अपने बच्चों की परवरिश की। वह एक अनुशासित और मेहनती व्यक्ति थे जिन्होंने अपना अधिकांश समय सार्वजनिक सेवा के लिए समर्पित किया। वह एक साधारण जीवन जीते थे और अपनी ईमानदारी, अखंडता और भारतीय स्वतंत्रता के प्रति समर्पण के लिए जाने जाते थे।

पटेल एक गहरे धार्मिक व्यक्ति थे और हिंदू धर्म का पालन करते थे। वह एक मद्यपान करने वाला और शाकाहारी भी था, और उसने दूसरों को स्वस्थ जीवन शैली अपनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया। वह एक उत्साही पाठक थे और भारतीय इतिहास और संस्कृति में उनकी गहरी रुचि थी।

अपने व्यस्त राजनीतिक करियर के बावजूद, पटेल ने अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ घनिष्ठ संबंध बनाए रखा। वह अक्सर गुजरात में अपने गृहनगर जाते थे और अपने रिश्तेदारों और बचपन के दोस्तों के संपर्क में रहते थे। वह अपने गर्म और मिलनसार व्यक्तित्व के लिए जाने जाते थे और जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों के लोगों द्वारा उनका सम्मान किया जाता था।

संक्षेप में, सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल एक पारिवारिक व्यक्ति थे जिनमें अपने देश और इसके लोगों के प्रति कर्तव्य की गहरी भावना थी। उनके व्यक्तिगत जीवन में सादगी, अनुशासन और अपने परिवार के प्रति समर्पण और भारतीय स्वतंत्रता के कारण की विशेषता थी।

सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल को आयरन मैन ऑफ इंडियन टाइटल क्यों दिया गया !!!

स्वतंत्रता के बाद भारत को एकजुट करने के लिए सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल को उनकी दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति और दृढ़ संकल्प के लिए "लौह पुरुष" का खिताब दिया गया था। 1947 में जब भारत को ब्रिटिश शासन से स्वतंत्रता मिली, तो यह दो देशों - भारत और पाकिस्तान में विभाजित हो गया। भारत के विभाजन के कारण व्यापक सांप्रदायिक हिंसा हुई और नई खींची गई सीमाओं के पार लोगों का एक बड़ा पलायन हुआ।

सरदार पटेल, जो स्वतंत्र भारत के पहले गृह मंत्री थे, को 560 से अधिक रियासतों को भारतीय संघ में एकीकृत करने का चुनौतीपूर्ण कार्य दिया गया था। इनमें से कई राज्य भारत में शामिल होने से हिचकिचा रहे थे, और कुछ ने विभाजन के बाद अपनी स्वतंत्रता की घोषणा भी कर दी थी।

सरदार पटेल ने इन रियासतों को भारत में शामिल होने के लिए राजी करने के लिए कूटनीति और बल के मिश्रण का इस्तेमाल किया और वे शेष भारत के साथ उन्हें एकजुट करने में सफल रहे। उनके प्रयासों ने भारत की एकता और अखंडता को मजबूत करने में मदद की और देश के छोटे, कमजोर राज्यों में विखंडन को रोका।

भारत में रियासतों को एकीकृत करने में सरदार पटेल के अटूट दृढ़ संकल्प और लोहे की इच्छा ने उन्हें "भारत के लौह पुरुष" की उपाधि दी, एक ऐसा नाम जो उनकी शक्ति, साहस और दृढ़ संकल्प की विरासत का प्रतीक बन गया है। आज, उन्हें व्यापक रूप से स्वतंत्र भारत के इतिहास में सबसे महान नेताओं में से एक माना जाता है, और देश की एकता और अखंडता में उनके योगदान को पूरे भारत में लोगों द्वारा मनाया और सम्मानित किया जाता है।

सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल के बारे में कुछ रोचक तथ्य:

भारतीय स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में शामिल होने से पहले वे एक सफल वकील थे।

पटेल ने भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस में एक प्रमुख भूमिका निभाई और ब्रिटिश शासन के खिलाफ भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के वास्तुकारों में से एक थे।

स्वतंत्रता के बाद भारत को एकजुट करने के लिए उनकी दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति और दृढ़ संकल्प के लिए उन्हें "भारत के लौह पुरुष" के रूप में जाना जाता था।

पटेल स्वतंत्र भारत के पहले उप प्रधान मंत्री और गृह मंत्री थे।

उन्होंने स्वतंत्रता के बाद 560 से अधिक रियासतों को भारतीय संघ में शामिल करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई, जब आवश्यक हो तो कूटनीति और बल का उपयोग किया।

पटेल एक गहरे धार्मिक व्यक्ति थे और हिंदू धर्म का पालन करते थे।

वह एक मद्यपान करने वाला और शाकाहारी था, और उसने दूसरों को एक स्वस्थ जीवन शैली अपनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया।

अपने व्यस्त राजनीतिक करियर के बावजूद, पटेल ने अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ घनिष्ठ संबंध बनाए रखा।

वह एक उत्साही पाठक थे और भारतीय इतिहास और संस्कृति में उनकी गहरी रुचि थी।

सरदार पटेल का निधन 15 दिसंबर, 1950 को बॉम्बे (अब मुंबई), भारत में हुआ था।

2018 में, गुजरात में स्टैच्यू ऑफ यूनिटी के रूप में जानी जाने वाली सरदार पटेल की एक प्रतिमा का अनावरण किया गया। यह दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची प्रतिमा है, जिसकी ऊंचाई 182 मीटर (597 फीट) है।

यह थी सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल से जुडी कुछ बातें पोस्ट पर कमेंट करके बताएं आपको पोस्ट कैसा लगा !!! 

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